Cold Mountain

After going through mudbound in record time and loving the book I had high expectations for Cold Mountain. These expectations where not met. It was difficult to focus on until about half way through. Before delving in to my complaints about this book one characteristic that I adore about books including this one is  the knowledge that is gained about the characters. Once finished the book it leaves me feeling i know their life stories, who they are, and what they stand for. Even when some of the characters seem due at first they have their own unique qualities that draw the reader close to them. This paints a beautiful picture for me of the uniqueness of people. Ada lacked in common scene and the knowledge for living despite her time spent on the land but could write beautifully along with being well learned in literature and the arts. Ruby comes across as savage in her ways but is a spit fire girl who had to fight to survive her whole life. Despite the hard cold demeanor Ruby holds she still has a caring heart as is show when she must nurse her father back to health. Even Inman who is pained as a coward for deserting the arm is show to be brave and caring. As he character progresses it becomes clear that Inman only hates who the war has turned him in to and doesn’t believe in what the south is fighting for. The character development is outstanding and although the book was not one that I loved reading I am now glad that I read Charles Frazier book. However in attempt to build up background information on both characters I, as the reader, was confused as Charles Frazier skipped back and forth between the people in the book. Along with adding to the chaos by adding in small side stories told from first person by side characters such as Adas neighbor and Rubies father. The book started out difficult to understand the set up due to the fact that Adas father is only mentioned once later in the book as her father and the reader is left to assume that Monroe is her father. Once the story gets going and all the characters are well identified it becomes easier to read however it seems to drag on as Inman takes part in his long journey back to Ada and cold mountain. This takes so long that it seems anticlimactic giving the book very little excitement. This could just be my spoiled mind being so use the action filled movies and shows of today’s times but I also believe myself to be an imaginative reader and able to enjoy most books.  The tail of Ada realizing how to live on her own with out relaying on her father and his workers is a slow but enjoyable read.  I personally find that part of the book more enjoyable and unique then that of the part filled with Inmans adventures. Adas tail is almost relatable to the one many of us are going to be facing when we graduate from our safe little high school bubble and move on in to the real world. Many have only seen and heard of the check books, responsibilities, and expenses that goes with the costs of living on our own. Ada goes through the same thing having only seen how the process of making a living and surviving on the rather secluded land but never having to do it herself. I believe the book has a good base plot line too it but simply wasn’t filled out in a way that I as the reader was execting. The same goes for what Charles Frazier was trying to represent with the crows. The crows stand for perseverance and survival which is defiantly something that Inman and Ruby both had to do but it told me long time to figure out that was the meaning behind the crows. But in perspective I am only a high school student with a limited knowledge of literary works. The author although may not be that some find enjoyable but is still one that needs respect for crafting a novel that the picky taste of high school students can yet appreciate. Like so many other things in life this book is what you make out of it. Cold Mountain may not be one of the best novels ever written but there is still much that can be learned from it.

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